Privacy policy

Cadyst Group attaches great importance to protecting your privacy and your personal data.

“Cadyst Group” or “we” refer to Cadyst Group S.A., a public limited company whose registered office is located in Douala Ndogsibi.

This Privacy Policy explains how Cadyst Group collects, processes and protects your personal data when you visit our website, in accordance with the data protection laws in force in the countries where we operate, including the General Data Protection Regulation.

We have put in place a comprehensive data protection programme including the adoption of the principles laid down by the RGPD and the Data Protection Acts. This programme includes:

  • The adoption of internal policies and procedures to ensure compliance with Data Protection laws;
  • The implementation of appropriate technical and organizational measures to apply data protection principles.


The Website is operated by Cadyst Group, which acts as a data controller within the meaning of the Data Protection Laws. Where we collect your personal data, we may share it with our subsidiaries (the “Subsidiaries”, a list of which is available on our website) in accordance with the safeguards set out in this Policy.

We may also act as a sub-contractor on behalf of Subsidiaries when you apply directly on the Cadyst Group website for a job with one of those Subsidiaries. Applications submitted on our site will be forwarded to the human resources departments of the Subsidiaries concerned, unless the application forms are not completed correctly, in which case the data will be sent directly to us.


Information you provide directly to us

We process information collected online on our website, for example when you apply online for a job with Cadyst Group or one of its Subsidiaries, or when you submit an unsolicited application. In particular, we collect:

  • Personal information such as last name, first name, e-mail address, contact details including cell phone number;
  • Other information you provide in support of your application, including information contained in your resume and/or cover letter, as well as your reasons for applying to Cadyst Group.

Important note: When collecting personal data via forms, including electronic forms, mandatory fields are indicated by an asterisk. If these fields are not completed, we may not be able to process your request efficiently. Please ensure that the personal data you provide is accurate.

Information about you that we obtain indirectly

As part of the application process, we may also collect :

  • The same information if made public on social networks (for example, via LinkedIn or Xing);
  • The same information is available from your recruitment agency or ours;
  • Information from pre-screenings, background checks and/or references we may conduct as part of the application or recruitment process.

We do not collect special categories of data or sensitive data, unless you provide it in your CV or the position requires you to provide information relating to your state of health or disability.

Information collected indirectly

Other information about you is collected indirectly when you visit the Cadyst Group website. This information is technically necessary for the proper functioning of the Cadyst Group website or to improve your browsing experience. These include :

  • Technical information, such as IP address, linked to your navigation on our website, to identify your country/city by geolocation;
  • Data relating to the use of the website (for example, tracking your navigation on the site, language preferences);
  • Personal data collected via social media platforms (for example, when you follow Cadyst Group pages on these social networks, personal information that you have made public and that can be seen from your profile on these social networks).

For more information on the use of cookies and other trackers on our site, please consult our Cookie Management Policy.

Our website is not intended for minors. However, if we inadvertently collect information about minors, the legal representative of the minor concerned may exercise the minor’s rights in his or her name and on his or her behalf at any time.


We may use your personal data to :

  • Allow you to browse our website;
  • Allow you to apply for our job offers;
  • Allow you to submit unsolicited applications;
  • Allow us to review your application and communicate with you about the recruitment process;
  • Compile statistics and carry out financial and commercial studies.


We process your personal data in compliance with Data Protection laws. We will only collect and process your data if there is an appropriate and relevant legal basis for doing so.

We process your personal data only if such processing is necessary for the performance of pre-contractual measures, based on our legitimate interest, or based on a legal and regulatory obligation. The following table shows how your personal data is processed, for what purpose and on what legal basis:

Purpose Personal data Legal basis
Submission and review of applications, including assessment of your abilities, skills and qualifications for the position Surname, first name, date of birth, information contained in your CV and/or application letter, reasons for applying to Cadyst Group Execution of pre-contractual measures, legal or regulatory obligation
Communicating with you about the recruitment process Last name, first name, e-mail address, other contact details including cell phone number Execution of pre-contractual measures
Keeping records of your recruitment process Surname, first name, e-mail address, postal address, other contact details including cell phone number, information contained in your CV and/or application letter, reasons for your application Legitimate interests of Cadyst Group



At Cadyst Group

When your data is shared within Cadyst Group, we take the necessary measures to ensure that it is only accessible to authorized persons who need it for their duties.

Only duly authorized Cadyst Group employees working in teams that need to hold your information (in particular recruitment teams) will have access to your personal data.

In addition, we may pass on your data to service providers acting as subcontractors on behalf of Cadyst Group, on the basis of secure contractual agreements including strict data protection obligations.

In particular, we disclose your personal data to service providers or suppliers who help us operate our website or protect the security and integrity of our business (including IT maintenance, security and support service providers, hosting providers, marketing and advertising partners, direct mail or customer relations services, etc.). In particular, for the purposes of technical storage, your personal data will be hosted on third-party servers.

We may also transfer personal data to another legal entity in the event of collaboration, joint venture, restructuring, change of legal status or any other similar event, under conditions guaranteeing a sufficient level of security. In the event of a merger or sale, your personal data will be permanently transferred to our successor.

In any event, Cadyst Group makes every effort to preserve the confidentiality and security of personal data processed and to prevent it from being distorted, damaged, destroyed or accessed by unauthorized third parties. State-of-the-art technical and organizational security measures have been put in place.


Cadyst Group respects the retention periods imposed by the laws and regulations in force. Unless otherwise stipulated by law, these periods are generally five (5) years from the end of the contractual relationship. At the end of the retention period, your data will be immediately deleted or archived in an anonymized form in accordance with current regulations.

6.1. Application data

If your application is rejected, we will inform you of our wish to keep your personal data.

Unless you request their deletion, your personal data will be kept by Cadyst Group for a period of two (2) years from our last contact.

After this period, your data will be regularly deleted, unless it is necessary to keep it for a longer period. (i) to comply with legal, accounting and tax requirements, (ii) for the preservation of evidence during applicable limitation periods, (iii) for the exercise of Cadyst Group’s rights in the event of litigation or legal proceedings for the duration of the proceedings or investigation.

You can authorize us to keep your data for a longer period so that we can offer you a job within Cadyst Group when the opportunity arises. We will seek your consent to retain your data beyond the two-year period from our last contact, and we will delete your data as soon as you withdraw your consent, unless it is necessary to retain it for longer. (i) to comply with legal, accounting and tax requirements, (ii) for the preservation of evidence during applicable limitation periods, (iii) for the exercise of Cadyst Group’s rights in the event of litigation or legal proceedings for the duration of the proceedings or investigation.

You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us in accordance with the provisions of section 8.

The withdrawal of your consent will not affect the validity of any processing carried out on this basis prior to the date of withdrawal.

6.2. Other data

Cookies managed by Cadyst Group are kept for up to thirteen months. For more information, please consult our Cookie Management Policy.


  • Right of access and information: You have the right to be informed in a concise, transparent, comprehensible and easily accessible manner about how your personal data is processed. You also have the right to obtain (i) confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you is being processed, and if so, which, (ii) to access and obtain a copy of said personal data.
  • Right of rectification: You have the right to have your inaccurate personal data rectified. You can also request that your incomplete personal data be completed.
  • Right to erasure: You have the right to obtain the deletion of your personal data. However, this right is not absolute and Cadyst Group may retain such data to the extent permitted by law, in particular where processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which Cadyst Group is subject or to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim.
  • Right to limit processing : You have the right to obtain the restriction of the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances (for example when Cadyst Group no longer needs the data for the purposes of processing, but the data is still necessary to establish, exercise or defend your legal rights).
  • Right to data portability : You have the right to receive the personal data you have provided to Cadyst Group in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form, and to pass this data on to another data controller without Cadyst Group hindering this. These rights apply only if the processing of your personal data is based on your consent or on the performance of a contract and is carried out using automated processes.
  • Right to object to processing: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data when such processing is based on the legitimate interests of Cadyst Group. Cadyst Group may nevertheless invoke compelling and legitimate reasons requiring the continuation of processing. You also have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for commercial prospecting purposes.
  • Right to provide your instructions: You have the right to inform us of your instructions concerning the fate of your data after your death.

To exercise these rights, please contact us in accordance with the procedures set out in section 9 and provide us with the following information: first name, surname, e-mail address or any other information needed to confirm your identity and enable us to process your request (your postal address, for example), as well as a copy of your identity document.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority in the event of a breach of applicable data protection laws and regulations, in particular the RGPD, but also any other national or regional data protection laws that concern you.


Please address all inquiries to :

  • By e-mail to the following address:;

    Douala Ndogsibi

    This privacy policy was last updated on June 19, 2024. For any changes to this Policy, we invite you to regularly consult the “Privacy Policy” section of our website.